[Paraview] UseDirectoryName hint

Yumin Yuan yumin.yuan at kitware.com
Mon Jun 1 12:23:01 EDT 2009

Hi Paul,

A fix is committed to cvs head. Please update pqComponents of
paraview, and give it a try. Once we confirm the fix is working
properly (and not breaking anything else :), we will port it to 3.6
release branch.


On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 11:42 AM, Paul Edwards <paul.m.edwards at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to use the "UseDirectoryName" hint for my source that requires a
> directory.  Below is my xml file:
> 8<-----------------------------------------------------------
> <ServerManagerConfiguration>
>   <ProxyGroup name="sources">
>     <SourceProxy name="MySource" class="vtkMySource" label="MySource">
>       <StringVectorProperty name="Directory"
>                             command="SetDirectory"
>                             number_of_elements="1">
>           <FileListDomain name="files"/>
>           <Hints>
>               <UseDirectoryName />
>           </Hints>
>       </StringVectorProperty>
>       <Hints>
>           <Property name="Directory" show="1"/>
>       </Hints>
>   </SourceProxy>
>   </ProxyGroup>
> </ServerManagerConfiguration>
> ----------------------------------------------------------->8
> This isn't doing what I would expect - it is just giving a file dialog where
> any file can be selected.  If I select a directory and click "ok", it will
> just open that directory and list the files in the dialog.
> Any help would be appreciated,
> Paul
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Yumin Yuan
R&D Engineer
Kitware Inc.

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