[Paraview] Step-by-step guide of building a parallel Paraview server?

Ángel de Vicente angelv at iac.es
Wed Jul 29 07:40:03 EDT 2009

Hi all,

as part of a student project that I was mentoring, I built a small 
Paraview server (4 nodes, 16 CPUs). I have no experience with Paraview, 
so I'm not sure if this is already available somewhere else, but a 
cursory look at the wiki and the mailing list seems to show that most 
information on getting a Paraview server up and running assumes that the 
basic cluster (with MPI, etc.) is already there. I've got detailed notes 
of our installation from scratch. Would this be useful to anyone? If so, 
please let me know, so I can turn the notes (probably in September) into 
a more readable format and publish them somewhere.

Ángel de Vicente

|                                             |
| http://www.iac.es/galeria/angelv/           |
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| High Performance Computing Support PostDoc  |
| Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias        |
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