[Paraview] paraview 3.6.1 ensight gold error

Zhanping Liu zhanping.liu at kitware.com
Mon Jul 27 14:47:29 EDT 2009

Hi Daniele:

    By checking the data files you provided, I found that the binary
geometry file does not comply with the EnSight Gold format. Please refer to
pp. 488 of the EnSight Manual (downloadable from
http://vis.lbl.gov/NERSC/Software/ensight/docs82/UserManual.pdf) to find the
correct format. Specifically, each of the several description lines at the
beginning of a binary geometry file must contain 80 chars, whereas each line
in your file contains about 88. This inconsistency causes
to exit with an error.

    You may go to http://aero.ist.utl.pt/~rreis/ens_checker.32 and
http://aero.ist.utl.pt/~rreis/ens_checker.64 to check the format of your
data files.

    If your data files, with correct format, still incur any problems,
please feel free to let me know.


Zhanping Liu, PhD
Kitware, Inc.
28 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-371-3971 x 138

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 7:37 AM, Daniele <eltanin80 at gmail.com> wrote:

> If i open my ensightgold case file with paraview 3.6.1, i get
> the following error, but if I open that same file with paraview 3.4 works
> fine.
> /home/kitware/ParaView-3.6/ParaView3/VTK/IO/vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader.cxx,
> line 152
> vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader (0x25cb9e0): Error with subline extraction upon
> file
> initialization
> ERROR: In /home/kitware/ParaView-3.6/ParaView3/VTK/IO/vtkEnSightReader.cxx,
> line 304
> vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader (0x25cb9e0): error reading geometry file
> /home/kitware/ParaView-3.6/ParaView3/VTK/Filtering/vtkExecutive.cxx,
> line 757
> vtkCompositeDataPipeline (0x25cc670): Algorithm
> vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader(0x25cb9e0) returned failure for request:
> vtkInformation (0x25cde40)
>   Debug: Off
>   Modified Time: 76277
>   Reference Count: 1
>   Registered Events: (none)
>   Request: REQUEST_DATA
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