[Paraview] elements to write for visualization

j s j.s4403 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 13:50:04 EDT 2009

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Moreland, Kenneth <kmorel at sandia.gov>wrote:

>  I don’t understand your question.  Can you clarify it?
> Are you perhaps asking if you need to write out, for example, the triangle
> faces of each tetrahedron you write out?  (Answer: no.)  Are you asking if
> you can define a point, line, or triangle in 3D space?  (Answer: yes.)
> -Ken

Hello Ken,

I was asking the first question.  I implemented the vtk file format for an
unstructured grid using:
type 10 elements for 3D (tetrahedra)
type 5 elements for 2D (triangles)
type 3 elements for 1D (lines)

Each of these elements are defined in terms of points.

My data only exists on points (point data).

Is there any reason why I would want to put the lower dimensional elements
in my vtk file in addition to the highest dimensional elements?

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