[Paraview] screenshot light problem pv3.4 & pv3.6

Luc Bordier luc.bordier at sirehna.com
Fri Jul 24 02:58:59 EDT 2009

while doing some test with the new release of pv 3.6, I found a strange 
behaviour of the screenshot feature :

When i do a screenshot for cell data, screenshot image is not good 
because it's too dark.
If i do screenshot for point data, light is ok and image is good

it appears that it is not specific to 3.6 version (same pb in 3.4)

in attachment : results of my tests for pv 3.6 (left side is cell data 
and right side is point data)

is it a problem of graphic hardware ?

Luc Bordier
R&D Engineer
luc.bordier at sirehna.com
1, rue de la Noe
BP 42105
Tel: +33 2 51 86 02 80
Fax: +33 2 40 74 17 36

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