[Paraview] wrapITK in ParaView?

Pierre JUILLARD pierre.juillard at gmail.com
Sun Jul 19 06:50:21 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I would like to know if there is a "turn-key" possibility to use ITK classes
via python scripting in ParaView?
I saw that to use ITK classes in python scrip, one can use wrapITK. However,
it is not that straightforward as one has to compile first ITK, then wrapITK
using CMake.

Thus I wondered if  ITK classes can be somehow "activated" in the standard
ParaView package and made available for python scripts just like VTK classes
are? Most notably I have in mind to carry out mesh segmentation using the
itk::QEMeshDiscrete.......CurvatureEstimator classes introduced in this
InsightJournal paper http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/302

I have seen no clue during installation or on the web indicating that this
option was available, but maybe someone can indicate me easier solution like
where I may for instance download pre-compiled binaries?

I thank you in advance,

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