[Paraview] Multiple servers

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Thu Jul 16 08:48:57 EDT 2009

This wiki page may be of help:


On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 7:54 AM, Rick Angelini<angel at arl.army.mil> wrote:
> You'll also want to make sure that you either give the full path to pvserver
> when you start the mpirun job, or make sure that pvserver is in your default
> path.
> Will distributed processing help you?   That totally depends on the
> distribution of your dataset, speed of your network & processors, etc.    If
> you try to distribute a "small" dataset across multiple nodes, you may
> actually make things slower.   Same is true with distributed HW-based
> rendering.    The bottom line disclaimer: Your actual mileage may vary.
> David Doria wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 6:34 PM, pat marion<pat.marion at kitware.com> wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> You'll want to change your mpirun command a little bit-
>>> on machine X: mpirun -np 3 -machinefile machinefile.txt pvserver
>>> This will run 3 instances of pvserver where each instance runs on one of
>>> the
>>> machines specified in machinefile.txt.  Machinefile.txt will list the
>>> machine hostnames, one per line.  You'll need to setup password-less ssh
>>> from machine X to machines Y and Z, otherwise it will prompt you for a
>>> password for each machine.
>>> Here's a link to a little test program you can try.  It will have each
>>> mpi
>>> process print out its rank and hostname so that you can confirm that each
>>> process really is running on its own machine-
>>> http://www.slac.stanford.edu/comp/unix/farm/mpi.html
>>> Pat
>> Thanks Pat, I'll try that in the morning. Do I have to do anything on
>> Y and Z to prepare them to be in the machinefile list (like somehow
>> start mpi listening on them)? Also, if starting the pvserver from X,
>> does X have to be in the machinefile list? Or is it included
>> implicitly?
>> I've read several opinions on openMPI vs mpich2, but has anyone tested
>> these using paraview type benchmarks?
>> Can anyone comment on whether or not setting up something like this
>> will actually help? I am current using a pretty new P4 with 4gb ram
>> and a decent video card - would switching to a group of 3 or 4 P3's
>> with 2gb ram actually make a difference? Or would it actually be
>> worse? Or can I also run an MPI pvserver on my machine so I can use
>> A+X+Y+Z? If that is the case, is A smart enough not to send messages
>> over the network and then back to itself (i.e. will it really be A + X
>> + Y + Z (i.e. strictly better than just A), or will it be (A - a
>> decent amount) + X + Y + Z?)
>> I also have access to an 8 core SGI machine that has no video
>> hardware. How much does the video card actually do in the rendering?
>> Is 8 cores worse than a machine with one core and a good video card?
>> Thanks,
>> David
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