[Paraview] FW: vorticity

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Thu Jul 9 22:15:40 EDT 2009

Yes, that's how the filter calculates it. Here is the code from the filter:

void vtkStreamTracer::CalculateVorticity(vtkGenericCell* cell,
                                         double pcoords[3],
                                         vtkDoubleArray* cellVectors,
                                         double vorticity[3])
  double* cellVel;
  double derivs[9];

  cellVel = cellVectors->GetPointer(0);
  cell->Derivatives(0, pcoords, cellVel, 3, derivs);
  vorticity[0] = derivs[7] - derivs[5];
  vorticity[1] = derivs[2] - derivs[6];
  vorticity[2] = derivs[3] - derivs[1];


You can also calculate using vtkCellDerivatives or the new Python
calculator (in cvs).


On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Scott, W Alan<wascott at sandia.gov> wrote:
> When I set up my velocity vector with a calculator, I use
> iHat*U+jHat*V+kHat*W.  Then, after selecting streamtracers, I automatically
> get several new plotting parameters, including "vorticity".  Normally,
> vorticity is defined as Del cross Velocity_vector.  Is that what Paraview
> does behind the scenes?  Is this written somewhere, so I can take a look?
> Thanks!
> Alan
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