[Paraview] ParaView python

Bam Ting bampingting at gmail.com
Thu Jul 9 16:14:17 EDT 2009

Very cool! Thanks Pat

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 12:19 PM, pat marion <pat.marion at kitware.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> This is because paraview does not import all the vtk libraries, I
> suppose to save time, but maybe there are other reasons.
> Try this from paraview:
> print paraview.vtk.__file__
> And you'll get
> /pat/to/Utilities/VTKPythonWrapping/paraview/vtk/__init__.pyc
> Now open this file in an editor (replace .pyc with .py) and you'll see
> which vtk libraries are being imported from paraview.  Now compare
> these to the vtk/__init__.py file when you import vtk from the vtk
> install.
> To get to the vtkDistributedStreamTracer, you can do this:
> from libvtkParallelPython import *
> or on windows: from vtkParallelPython import *
> Pat
> On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 2:47 PM, Bam Ting<bampingting at gmail.com> wrote:
> > in a python shell when I do a
> >
> > from paraview import vtk
> >
> > using my paraview install, the resulting imported VTK object is not the
> same
> > as when I do a
> >
> > import vtk
> >
> > from my vtk install, built from the same ParaView source tree.
> >
> > For example vtkDistributedStreamTracer is missing  from the vtk object
> > imported from the paraview install. Actually comparing a ''dir(vtk)'' on
> > both show the ParaView vtk module is way small compared to the VTK vtk
> > object. ^The obvious thing to do is to build a serparate VTK build from
> my
> > ParaView sources, but I wonder why is the paraview vtk python module so
> > slim? Are the missing classes in there somewhere else?
> >
> > Bam
> >
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