[Paraview] particles rendering with input radii

Sreejith Pulloor sreejithpk at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 12:58:10 EDT 2009

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 6:00 PM, <paraview-request at paraview.org> wrote:

> Today's Topics:
>   1. particles rendering with input radii (Griffa, Michele)
>   2. Re: Streaming ParaView (Jeff Baumes)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 16:04:56 +0200
> From: "Griffa, Michele" <Michele.Griffa at empa.ch>
> Subject: [Paraview] particles rendering with input radii
> To: "paraview at paraview.org" <paraview at paraview.org>
> Message-ID:
>        <
> 9BC9FBFF861642438F019598EBB769AD2DE316377D at DU-EXC-MAIL.empa.emp-eaw.ch>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hello everybody
> I'm using Paraview 3.4.0 to visualize 2D/3D geometrical models of systems
> made of spherical particles.
> My input file contains the information about a VTK unstructured grid.
> Each node of the grid is the center of one spherical particle.
> Associate to each node there is a scalar parameter representing the radius
> of the particle.
> after importing the VTK unstructured grid dataset I applied to it the
> sphere glyph filter.
> I choose to scale each glyph according to the scalar PointData "radius" in
> order to visualize different sphere according to their size.
> Considering that a value "Radius" is also defined in the "Glyph Type -
> Sphere2 section of the filter's "Properties" tab, which will be the final
> actual size for each spherical particle ?
> I mean, how does Paraview handle simultaneously there two pieces of
> information in the case of multiple spherical glyphs with different size ?
> One piece is the fixed radius, the other is the imported value for the
> radius used for scaling the size of the different sphere ?
> I guess my question is strictly related to this other question: how is the
> scaling performed when a 1D array of scalars is used as Scale Mode ?
> Any Tutorial or source of information about this detail ?
> How can I choose the "Radius" parameter in the "Properties" tab of the
> glyph filter such that the actual radii of the rendered particles correspond
> to the real values assigned to the unstructured grid ?

I also do similar things and  what I used to do is

- to choose  glyph type sphere
- Scalar   radii
 - *set Radius as 1* (in the Sphere tab just after Center property)
- select scale mode scalar
- *set scale factor 1
Then it should correspond to real values...
Hope other would correct me if I am being wrong here

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