[Paraview] Custom Inspector as plugin (Linking fails with VS2008)

Kalle kalle-test at gmx.de
Mon Jul 6 08:07:27 EDT 2009


John Biddiscombe wrote:
>   David
> Thank you so much. 5 minutes and I now have a working dock window 
> plugin. The ADD_PARAVIEW_DOCK_WINDOW was the secret.
> If only every question to the list had such a great response.

I have tried to compile Davids example plugin with Visual Studio 2008 
Express Edition.
cmake and the compilation work without any warnings, but linking fails 
with unresolved external symbol errors.

Here is my system configuration:

Windows XP SP3 32-Bit,
cmake 2.6.4
Paraview 3.6.1 (from cvs)
Qt 4.3.5
VS 2008 Express 32 Bit

Here are the (shortened) error messages:

------ Build started: Project: Controlslugin, Configuration: Debug Win32 
    Creating library C:\Panel\Panel\Build\Debug\Controlslugin.lib and 
object C:\Panel\Panel\Build\Debug\Controlslugin.exp
moc_pqControls.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: 
void __thiscall pqControls::connectToRepresentation(class 
pqPipelineSource *,class pqDataRepresentation *)" [...]

moc_pqControls.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: 
void __thiscall pqControls::updateTrackee(void)" 
(?updateTrackee at pqControls@@AAEXXZ) referenced in function "public:

pqControlsImplementation.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
"public: __thiscall pqControls::pqControls(class QWidget *)" 
(??0pqControls@@QAE at PAVQWidget@@@Z) referenced in function "public:

I would guess, that this has to do with the sequence of the obj-Files 
linked together.
I'm rather new with Visual Studio. Could somebody point me in the right 
direction?  (Or are there known limitations with the Epress Edition of VS?)



BTW, the build of Qt and paraview with VS 2008 Express worked without 
any problems...

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