[Paraview] PARAVIEW_DATA ROOT - what is this?

Alexander A. Vakhrushev makaveli.lcf at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 04:01:53 EST 2009

Hi all!

I'm compiling ParaView3 by cmake on my Kubuntu 8.04.1 machine. I see
that PARAVIEW_DATA ROOT value is not found when configure the project.
What is that variable is used for? I didn't find it on the Web.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,

Dr. Alexander Vakhrushev
Institute of Applied Mechanics
Dep. of Mech. and Phys.-Chem.
of heterogeneous media
UB of Russian Academy of Sciences
34 T. Baramzinoy St.
Izhevsk, Russia 426067
С уважением,
    Вахрушев Александр Александрович

к.ф.-м.н., с.н.с.
Институт прикладной механики
Уральского Отделения
Российской Академии Наук
426067, г. Ижевск
ул. Т. Барамзиной 34

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