[Paraview] How can I fix the problem?

Biao She shebiao at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 19:15:10 EST 2009

Hi everyone.
I am trying to write a new reader plugin for Paraview. However, I get the
following error when I try to use it:

line 1079
vtkProcessModule (0x8c24658): Cannot create object of type "vtkMyReader".
while processing
Message 0 = New
  Argument 0 = string_value {vtkMyReader}
  Argument 1 = id_value {84}

line 1080
vtkProcessModule (0x8c24658): Aborting execution for debugging purposes.

It seems to be a vtkMyReader construction problem. (Please correct me if
My vtkMyReader is derived from vtkImageReader2, and it has a public static
method for construction in .h file - static vtkDICOMImageReaderCopy *New().
I am wondering if I have to write some code for this method in the
vtkMyReader implementation (.cxx file) to fix the error?


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