[Paraview] problems with reading hdf5-files

Natalie Happenhofer nataliehapp at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 24 07:51:59 EST 2009

I still encounter problems with paraview when I want it to visualize vector attribute data. I put it in my Xdmf-File (the xmf-part) like this:

<Grid Name="Curvilinear" GridType="Uniform">
<Topology TopologyType="2DSMesh" Dimensions ="151 390" >
<Geometry GeometryType="XYZ">
<DataItem Name="Coordinates" DataType="Float" Precision="4" Dimensions="58890 3" Format="HDF">

scalar data looks like this:
<Attribute Name="Fc" Type="Scalar" Center="Node">
<DataItem DataType="Float" Precision="4" Dimensions="151 390" Format="HDF">
.. (this is read without problems)

and vector attribute data:

<Attribute Name="xm_ym" Type="Vector" Center="Node">
<DataItem DataType="Float" Precision="4" Dimensions="151 390 3" Format="HDF">

looking at the h5-file with the hdfViewer, the dataset "xm_ym" has perfectly the dimensions I want it to have, i.e. "151 390 3", but opening it with paraview, paraview does not read all points, I get the following error:
ERROR: In ..\..\..\ParaView3\VTK\Filtering\vtkDataSet.cxx, line 406
vtkStructuredGrid (06A97048): Point array xm_ym with 3 components, only has 19630 tuples but there are 58890 points

El doble de diversión: con Windows Live Messenger comparte fotos mientras charlas.
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