[Paraview] client <-> server communication

Nehmé Bilal nehmebilal at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 17:22:45 EST 2009


Using a plugin I can create a point source with the following code:

  pqApplicationCore* core = pqApplicationCore::instance();
  pqObjectBuilder* builder = core->getObjectBuilder();
  pqServerManagerModel* sm = core->getServerManagerModel();
  pqServerManagerSelectionModel* sms = core->getSelectionModel();
  pqServer *activeServer = sm->getItemAtIndex<pqServer*>(0);

  pqPipelineSource *newSource = builder->createSource("sources",
                "PointSource", activeServer);

I would like to add a vtkStringArray to the server side of this
source. From the server side,
I can easly do it using:
vtkPolyData::GetPointData()->AddArray("my vtkStringArray");

How can I do the same from the client side, using the pqPipelineSource
that I created ?

Thank you.

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