[Paraview] PV for Mesh Generation

Randall Hand randall.hand at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 11:32:19 EST 2009

I have a 2D Triangulated mesh that a user wants extruded into a 3D Shape for
use in simulation work.

I tried using the "Linear Extrusion" filter, but that only gets the outer
edges.  What I really need to do is extrude the triangles into 3D
Triangulate Prisms (5-sided solids, 2 triangles & 3 quads).  Is there any
way to do this?

I tried doing:
 |- Extract Surface - Linear Extrusion
 |- Extract Edges - Linear Extrusion
Append both Together - Clean

That's close, but I have a collection of 2D Primitives, and lose all the
interior volume.

Randall Hand
Visualization Scientist, DAAC
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