[Paraview] particle tracking

Paul Edwards paul.m.edwards at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 04:22:53 EST 2009

That's great!  I've been wondering how to animate streamlines.


2009/2/12 Jean Favre <jfavre at cscs.ch>

> Berk Geveci wrote:
> > To animate particles in a
> > steady-state flow field, I'd think that you would generate streamlines
> > and then somehow animate particles along those.
> this is exactly the technique I use. Generate streamlines. Then
> iso-contour the streamline object with the scalar field
> "IntegrationTime". Use a single threshold. Then animate the threshold
> value. Use Mode=Sequence, get a ramp between minimum time and maximun time.
> Use Glyphs (small spheres or arrows) attached to the iso-valued contours
> and they will "animate" their position along the streamlines.
> Jean
> Swiss national Supercomputing Center
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