[Paraview] particletracer

Martin Uppman f04mu at student.lth.se
Fri Feb 13 01:53:16 EST 2009

Sorry, but this doesnt make any sense to me. I have a 3D dataset with
magnitude and velocity (X,Y,Z) for 13 time frames. And as you wrote,
paraview internally converts multiple vktDataSets into a TemporalDataSet.
But particle tracer requires multiple time steps, why does it then give
error that a vktDataSet is required? A  vktDataSet, according to what you
wrote, is just a single timestep.


>            Martin
>  A single timestep is a vtkDataSet, StremTracer generates streamline
> through a vector field for this data.
>  The ParticleTracer requires multiple time steps to advect particles
> through the field over time.
>  The particle tracer requests 2 time steps per iteration from it's input,
> internally paraview converts multiple vtkDataSets from the input into a
> TemporalDataSet.
>  JB
>     Thanks you, I can now conenct the two sources. I tried on Windows and
> found this alternative if I want to use "input" or "source" in the
> particle tracer. When choosing "source" I could select both dataset
> and seed source. Problem on my Mac was that the dialog box was to
> small so I didnt find this option.  Btw what is the difference between
> vtkTemporalDataSet and vktDataSet? ParticleTracer requires vktDataSet
> which I dont have, is it possible to convert the dataset somehow. I
> can use filter StreamTracer on my dataset and because StreamTracer and
> ParticleTracer is based on the same physics, I should be able to
> visualize particles.   ERROR: In
> /Users/kitware/Berk/ParaView3/VTK/Filtering/vtkDemandDrivenPipeline.cxx,
> line 822 vtkCompositeDataPipeline (0x225e2020): Input for connection
> index 0 on input port index 1 for algorithm
> vtkTemporalStreamTracer(0x225e20b0) is of type vtkMultiBlockDataSet,
> but a vtkDataSet is required.   Cheers,  Martin Uppman
> Can you tell us exactly (detailed, step-by-step) what you are doing?
> That dialog works fine for me (running OS X 10.5).  -berk  On Tue, Feb
> 10, 2009 at 4:10 AM, Martin Uppman  wrote:                 Hi again,
> thank you for fast answer John! I'm aware of the problem that my
> particle tracer doesnt have any seed source, but I have been working
> for quite awhile sloving this problem. I did as you said, created
> temporalcache and seed (point seed) but I cant connect the 2 with my
> particle tracer. I found your (John's) great powerpoint presentation
> on the web explaining everything there is to explain. Though I cant
> make it work!!! In one of the pictures in the presentation there are
> some boxes where you can choose which sources to use in the particle
> tracer (in object inspector -> properties -> source). I dont have that
> option in my program. Does someone know why (using v3.4.0 on a Mac)?
> About v3.4.0, isnt it the lastest version? Cant fint anything newer on
> paraview.org.  Cheers,  Martin Uppman
> Martin                               ERROR: In
> /Users/kitware/Berk/ParaView3/VTK/Filtering/vtkDemandDrivenPipeline.cxx,
> line 722 vtkCompositeDataPipeline (0x217c7fb0): Input port 1 of
> algorithm vtkTemporalStreamTracer(0x1e345e00) has 0 connections but is
> not optional.                              Input 0 should be a time
> dependent dataset. It is best to use a TemporalCache before the
> particle tracer to stop multiple updates for the same time step. Input
> 1 should be some seed points.  Ensight -> TemporalCache      ->
>                           ParticleTracer Some Other data eg.line/plane
> ->  the ignore pipeline time option is provided to get around some
> animation issues that used to plague paraview. You should not need it,
> but the correct way to use it, is set  IgnorePipelineTime to true,
> then set an animation keyframe to animate TimeStep from 0->N - the
> particle tracer will then use the timestep to generate update times
> for the Ensight input, instead of usigin the GUI generated time.  If
> you are using the particle tracer from prior to 3.4 then you should
> switch to a newer one as it is contiunually being improved. I will
> soon (months, not days) be checking in a lot of changes which enable
> it to handle dynamic meshes better.  JB
> I've been looking for information on this and a found a thread which I
> think concerns the same problem. In that thread Berk made a patch to
> fix this problem. I also tried to ignore pipeline time, but this doent
> work. I'm working with .case files and I want to animate the blood
> flow in a human heart using particle tracers. I'm using a Mac with
> ParaView version 3.4.0.  Thanks for looking into this.  Cheers,
> Martin Uppman  _______________________________________________ Powered
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