[Paraview] particletracer

Martin Uppman f04mu at student.lth.se
Mon Feb 9 01:36:10 EST 2009


I'm pretty new in ParaView and when trying to use the filter
ParticleTracer I get an error message saying:

line 722
vtkCompositeDataPipeline (0x217c7fb0): Input port 1 of algorithm
vtkTemporalStreamTracer(0x1e345e00) has 0 connections but is not optional.

I've been looking for information on this and a found a thread which I
think concerns the same problem. In that thread Berk made a patch to fix
this problem.
I also tried to ignore pipeline time, but this doent work. I'm working
with .case files and I want to animate the blood flow in a human heart
using particle tracers. I'm using a Mac with ParaView version 3.4.0.

Thanks for looking into this.


Martin Uppman

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