[Paraview] Convert file types with python

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Fri Apr 24 17:43:20 EDT 2009

> to take the guess work out, you may simply refer to the help using the
> dir() command
> dir(servermanager.sources)    # will print out all sources, and you will
> find what you are looking for under the name
> servermanager.sources.PLYreader()
> Jean - ah yes, I forgot about the actual pvpython shell!

reader = servermanager.sources.plyreader(FileName=ModelFilename)

Here is how to write once you have the file read:
    writer = servermanager.writers.XMLPolyDataWriter(FileName="test.vtp")
    writer.Input = reader

I added an example of how to take a screenshot and how to convert a file to
the wiki.

The only remaining question is why is there no obj support?


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