[Paraview] problems with volume rendering

Natalie Happenhofer nataliehapp at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 22 05:28:04 EDT 2009

I´m trying to render the volume of a vector valued dataset. That´s what I tried (and what happens):

1) I read in a scalar valued dataset and applied the gradient filter. Viewing the output as a "surface" works well and the data look ok, but clicking on "Volume", Paraview get a segmentation fault.

2) I read in a scalar valued dataset and applied the gradient filter. Then I saved the data and opened it again with paraview. It seems, that the output of the gradient filter is a dataset with two associated arrays to it, the first scalar-valued and being the values of which the gradient was computed, and the second data-array consists of vectors, which are the computed gradients. 
Clicking now on "volume", I get a rather strange picture, it seems that in the first third of the dataset the scalars are displayed and then there are many little points on the rest of the cube.. if anyone wants I can mail a screenshot. 

3) I opened a dataset with just a vector-valued array associated. Again, "Surface" is ok, but clicking on "volume", I get the error: "Cannot volume render since no point (or cell) data is available". (Well, the vector-array should be a point data array). 

Maybe it is not possible to render the volume of a vector -valued dataset?

thanks for any piece of advice,

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