[Paraview] Fw: Re: VTM multiblock file and "timestep" attribute

szaghi at infinito.it szaghi at infinito.it
Tue Apr 14 02:46:39 EDT 2009

> Berk Geveci ha scritto:
> - I am not sure I understand. You need to associate time values with
> - various vts files? Why not use pvd then?
> -
> - -berk
Hi berk,
I need to associate time values to vtm files which point to vts files. I
found the timestep attribute only in "collection" dataset, 
but my need is to associate the timestep value to the MultiBlock dataset of
vtm file. If it is not possible directly into the MultiBlock data set, 
can you send me a simple example of pvd file (with time step values) that
points to a set of vtm file?

Thank you very much. 


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