[Paraview] Questions about set the name of widgets of Object Panel

shenyanwen shenyanwen at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 21:22:12 EDT 2009

Hello, everyone!
I am working on developing some Object_Panel_Plugins with QT Designer.
Now I have a question about how to name the widget.
I have known that if you want the paraview to hook up the server manager
objects with the widgets you designed, you should name them with the
correspond name. But if the widgets have more than one parameters, how
should I name them?
Let me give a simple example, the Source cone have parameters of Resolution,
Radius, Height and Center, and the parameters Center have 3 elements,. So
how can I name the 3 lineEdit components in my QT Designer to place the
three elements?
Thank you very much!


shenyanwen at gmail.com
Mobile Phone:13476177952
Tel: 027-87558144
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