[Paraview] linking vtkSMStringVectorProperty to a SLOT

Nehme Bilal nehmebilal at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 08:21:21 EDT 2009

Hi again,

I found a way that seems to work, but I still have a problem.
The StringVectorProperty I'm using look like this:

         element_types="2 0">

to connect this property to a Qt SLOT, I used:

vtkSmartPointer<vtkEventQtSlotConnect> VTKConnect =
VTKConnect->Connect(arrays, vtkCommand::ModifiedEvent,
		this, SLOT(onArraysModified()));

because repeat_command=1 the SLOT will be called every time an element
is modified in the StringVectorProperty
and that will cause a slow excecution if the number of elements in the
StringVectorProperty is to big.
Is there a way around this ?


2009/4/9 Nehme Bilal <nehmebilal at gmail.com>:
> Hi All,
> I have a StringVectorProperty that I'm trying to link to a Qt SLOT in
> the client side of my plugin. I want the SLOT to be called when the
> StringVectorProperty is modified.
> Is that possible ?
> Thanks you
> Nehme

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