[Paraview] Relase Date of ParaView 3.6

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Thu Apr 9 06:48:37 EDT 2009

Utkarsh, Berk, and I just discussed this yesterday.  Our current plan is to branch in 6 weeks from now (during which time we try to address the bugs slated for 3.6).  After that it should take about 2 weeks to get the release ready.  According to my calendar, that puts the release at early June.


On 4/9/09 1:10 AM, "Raashid Baig" <raashid.b at rediffmail.com> wrote:

Just curious about exploring new features that will be coming with the release of ParaView 3.6. Can some of the developers give a tentative release date ?


   ****      Kenneth Moreland
    ***      Sandia National Laboratories
*** *** ***  email: kmorel at sandia.gov
**  ***  **  phone: (505) 844-8919
    ***      web:   http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel

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