[Paraview] Reader

Satheesh Maheswaran smaheswa at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 16:44:50 EDT 2008

Dear all,

I am in the process of writing a reader as a plug in.

At the moment, i am deriving my class from vtkMultiBlockDataSet - the
data has several time steps (each time step holds several variables).

The code below works for single time step.

vtkMultiBlockDataSet *output;

//Each time step then can be created as a single instance of rectilinear Grid
vtkRectilinearGrid *grid1 = vtkRectilinearGrid::New();


output->SetDataSet(0, output->GetNumberOfDataSets(0), grid1)

How can i extend this to add several time steps - can you please give
me some pointers? or some example code?
I know that I can just add more time steps by creating more instances
of rectilinearGrid - is this the right way to go?  if so how do they
show up when rendering - can i click on the play button to loop
through all of the times steps in the data?

Ideally I would like the data to be loaded when user clicks on a
particular time step rather than loading all at once - is this
possible ? do i need to worry about this, or does paraview handle this
in some clever way?

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