[Paraview] Paraview question

Satheesh Maheswaran smaheswa at gmail.com
Sun Oct 26 10:15:11 EDT 2008

Dear all,

I am trying to write a reader for an in-house file format as a plugin.
 I have managed to write
a basic plugin to display some data in a rectilinear grid following
some of the examples.  Our file format
can hold more than one variable (pressure/temperature etc) similar to hd5.

At the moment, my data is displayed using code shown below

vtkRectilinearGrid* output;

Can some one tell me, how i can display all of the known variables in
the file on the display menu (where
all items are usually loaded up - where you see filters that you chose
to apply to the data for example).
I would like the data to be displayed when the user selects a
particular variable in the same way as applying a filter for example?
Some pointers or example source codes will be of great help.


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