[Paraview] Questions on MPI

chew ping lcp81um at msn.com
Tue Oct 21 05:45:11 EDT 2008

My name is chewping and I’m doing my master’s research in the University of Malaya, Malaysia. I’m using ParaView and MPI to visualize a relatively large medical data set in a homogeneous cluster environment. It consists of one master node and 9 slave nodes in a Local Area Network with class C IP address. Most nodes are similar to each other (32 bits processor, running on Linux). I would like to manipulate MPI to make the performance better (faster distributions of data and collections of results). As I am new to MPI and parallel processing system, there are a few questions that I would like to ask:
1.      How MPI distribute the work load?
2.      Does the master node divide the work load evenly first, then distribute to each slave node?
3.      Or the master node pass the whole chunk of work load to every slave node, then the slave node ‘take’ their own piece of work to process?
4.      Can the work load being distributed according to priority (load balancing)? Or give a bigger portion of work load to the better performance node?
Can MPI do the above and how? Where can I learn more on how to use MPI to tune for peak performance for distribution processing?
Thanks in advance for your feedback!
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