[Paraview] python to change reader filename and animate AVS files

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Fri Oct 17 13:01:15 EDT 2008

What you need is something like:

femdata = pm.GetProxy("sources","femdata")
for i in range(10):
 femdata.FileName = "foo%d.inp" % i

ParaView takes care of updating other objects for you. If you want to
learn more, I suggest searching for "demand driven pipeline". The VTK
book is a good source of information.


On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 12:50 PM, David Fuentes <fuentesdt at gmail.com> wrote:
> Not sure if the AVS file reader is "time aware" but,
> using the python interface it seems possible to write a script
> to animate a time series of AVS files.  Changing the reader filename via the
> python interface seems to work:
>  pm=servermanager.ProxyManager()
>  femdata = pm.GetProxy("sources","femdata")
>  femdata.SetPropertyWithName("FileName",".../new_filename.inp")
> To create an animation would probably have to update various
> other objects attached to the reader though.
> How could you determine all objects attached to the reader
> that need to be updated?
> using paraview 3.2.1,
> df
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