[Paraview] ANNOUNCE: ParaView 3.4.0 released

Dan Goldstein dan at cora.nwra.com
Fri Oct 17 11:47:34 EDT 2008

Sounds Great!
Can you point us to documentation on XML vtk file format changes  
related to file series?

* Added support for file series of XML based VTK files.



On Oct 17, 2008, at 9:57 AM, Berk Geveci wrote:

> The ParaView 3.4 release is now available for download from the
> ParaView web site (http://paraview.org). It is also available through
> CVS; the tag is ParaView-3-4-0. Since the 3.2 release, we have been
> focusing on usability and 3.4 contains many improvements and bug
> fixes.
> The major changes since 3.4 are:
> * VTK and ParaView are now licensed under the BSD license as opposed
> to modified BSD.
> * The multi*block and AMR support was improved significantly. Almost
> all filters, spreadsheet view and charts now support these datasets.
> * The selection capabilities of ParaView were significantly improved.
> For details, see Kitware Source, issue 6 or
> http://paraview.org/Wiki/Data_Selection.
> * Some of other improvements and fixes are
> New features
> * Added support for plotting multiple point/cell values over time.
> * Save screenshot now allows saving of all views.
> * It is not possible to save higher resolution screenshots.
> * Added support for picking end*points of lines widgets (used in plot
> over line and streamlines) using 'p'.
> * Added support for scene exporters. Supported formats are X3D (binary
> and ascii), VRML 2 and POV (Persistence of Vision Raytracer).
> * Added ability to open multiple CTH and Exodus restart files.
> * Added temporal statistics filter that can be used to find average,
> min, max and standard deviation of arrays over time.
> * Added support for choosing (picking) custom center of rotation.
> * Added volume rendering support for multi*block datasets. The user
> now chooses which block to volume render.
> * Added filter to append all blocks of a multi*block dataset to one
> unstructured grid. Can be used to volume render the whole multi*block
> dataset.
> * Added support to color by block.
> * Added 2D views / slice representation for volumes (vtkImageData).
> * Added box and sphere widgets for slicing and clipping.
> * Added cube axes that can be used to show scale of a dataset.
> * Added support to color by AMR level.
> * Added support to turn on/off the visibility of multiple objects.
> Select multiple objects in the pipeline browser and click on one of
> the eyeballs.
> * Added multiple selection using ctrl (command on Mac). When
> performing selection after the first time, hold ctrl to add to the
> existing selection.
> * Added "Normal Glyphs" custom filter.
> * Added "zoom" to individual arrays in the spreadsheet view.
> Double*click on the title*bar to activate/deactivate.
> * Added support for displaying textures on polygonal data.
> Improvements to Existing Features
> * Plugin improvements. See the plugin page on the wiki for more
> information. http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/Plugin_HowTo
> * Added option to disable offscreen rendering while saving images.
> This option should be turned on if ParaView crashes when saving
> images. This is to get around an OpenGL bug that is on some Linux
> Intel drivers.
> * Added option to disable depth peeling when rendering translucent
> geometry. Some graphics card drivers claim to support everything that
> is needed for depth peeling while not implementing them. If you are
> experience crashes when transparency is on, disable depth peeling.
> * Added easily accessible menu to select the component of a vector  
> to color by.
> * Added support for plotting more than one component of a vector on
> the same chart.
> * Plot over line now works with multi*block and AMR data.
> * CTH reader now combines X, Y and Z velocity components into a  
> vector.
> * Added button to rescale to data range in bar charts.
> * Changed the default width of the scalar bar to a more reasonable
> size. Also tweaked the way scalar bar scaling works.
> * Improved partial array support (when an array exists only in some of
> the blocks of a multi*block dataset).
> * Added selection support for composite datasets.
> * Added chooser for unstructured volume rendering algorithm.
> * Added support for selecting array in gradient filter for image data.
> Removed gradient magnitude. Use gradient + array calculator.
> * Many comparative view fixes.
> * Many tiled*display fixes.
> * Many widgets used a few digit precision for floating point numbers
> making it impossible to use higher precision. Fixed.
> Reader and Writer Improvements
> * Added readers for MFIX and Fluent files to the GUI.
> * Added support for loading file series from the command line as well
> as from the recent file menu.
> * Added SILO reader. Needs more work.
> * Added support to save multi*block polygonal datasets as a collection
> of STL or PLY files.
> * Added support for file series of XML based VTK files.
> * Updated XDMF reader to XDMF 2.
> Bug Fixes
> * Point coordinates were not shown in the spreadsheet view if there
> were no point arrays. Fixed.
> * Calculator function was not reloaded with state. Fixed.
> * Annotation text was not scaling properly when rendering
> high*resolution animations/images. Fixed.
> * Color by menu was not updated in some cases. Fixed.
> * CTH reader was not handling missing files gracefully. Fixed.
> * Selection inspector could not display labels for global element  
> ids. Fixed.
> * Loading state reseted to time step 0, fixed.
> * Pipeline was not always updating when time was shifted. Fixed.
> * Fixed crash when using  Edit *> Delete All.
> * Fixed installation with VTK_USE_RPATH on.
> * Selection did not work in parallel if compositing was off. Fixed.
> * Selection labels were not updated during animation. Fixed.
> * Several undo/redo fixes.
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> ParaView at paraview.org
> http://www.paraview.org/mailman/listinfo/paraview

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