[Paraview] Using calculator with variable sets from different data files

Hom Nath Gharti hng.email at gmail.com
Fri Oct 17 09:18:38 EDT 2008

Many thanks. Looks like I should have different name for the variables.
Initially I had a same variable name in two data files. I could see only
only one variable name under scalar field. After using different names I
could see two variable names.

Nice weekend,
Hom Nath

On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 12:53 AM, Alessandro Bellina
<bellina at illinois.edu>wrote:

> Ken,
> Thanks for your answer. I should have said that the two files don't have
> the same geometry. One of them is a sphere, and the other one is a square. I
> tried applying the "Resample with dataset" filter to sample a slice of the
> sphere into the same morphology as my square. That part worked (I get a
> square with the information in a circle), so I would say they now have the
> same morphology. Once have  the result of the resampled original dataset,
> and select it and the 2D data set, I don't get the option to run the "Append
> Attributes" filter. It is off. Is the output of the resample filter not what
> I think it is?
> Thanks!!
> Alessandro
> On Oct 16, 2008, at 5:38 PM, Moreland, Kenneth wrote:
>  You can use the Append Attributes filter to merge the fields of two or
>> more
>> data sets into one (assuming they have the same topology), and then run
>> the
>> calculator on that.
>> -Ken
>> On 10/16/08 9:28 AM, "Hom Nath Gharti" <hng.email at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  I have two data files 'test1.vti' and 'test2.vti' opened in paraview
>>> containing a dataset of similar variables. Can I use the calculator to
>>> subtract (or add.....) data of file 'test1.vti' from data of 'test2.vti'?
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Hom Nath
>>  ****      Kenneth Moreland
>>   ***      Sandia National Laboratories
>> ***********
>> *** *** ***  email: kmorel at sandia.gov
>> **  ***  **  phone: (505) 844-8919
>>   ***      fax:   (505) 845-0833
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> Alessandro A. Bellina
> bellina at illinois.edu
> ---
> Graduate Student
> Bioacoustics Research Laboratory
> Electrical and Computer Engineering
> ---
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