[Paraview] Data range problem

Dominik Szczerba dominik at itis.ethz.ch
Sun Oct 12 14:58:52 EDT 2008

How do you write the data to a file?


On Sunday 12 October 2008 02:36:27 pm Lester Anderson wrote:
> Hi Dominik
> So how can I define the correct datatype? For example, if it is just signed
> integers like the test I made (-5 to +5), or real numbers (eg -2.54 to
> 5.55). I set the file to LittleEndian as I'm on a PC
> Importing the data via the raw format is working, it's just working out the
> correct type to make it work!
> Thanks for the help
> Lester > From: dominik at itis.ethz.ch> To: paraview at paraview.org> Subject:
> Re: [Paraview] Data range problem> Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2008 12:17:03 +0200>
> CC: lester_anderson1963 at hotmail.com> > You most likely imposed wrong
> datatype when importing the raw stuff.> > Dominik> > On Sunday 12 October
> 2008 10:55:18 am Lester Anderson wrote:> > Hello> >> > I have just created
> a test as a set of random values:> >> >
> "x","y","z","grav"0,0,0,20,0,1,30,0,2,50,1,0,-10.1.1,-30,1,2,-50.2.0,10,2,1
> >,20,2,2,51,0,0,-31,0,1,-41,0,2,-11,1,0,01.1.1,-21,1,2,21.2.0,11,2,1-11,2,2
>,0> >2,0,0,02,0,1-52,0,2,-42,1,0,-12.1.1,12,1,2,22.2.0,52,2,1,42,2,2,4> >> >
> It is a cube of point values (x,y,z) with a test scalar (grav). The data> >
> range of "grav" is -5 to +5> >> > I imported the data into Paraview as a
> raw(binary) format file which seemed> > ok, with the extents: 0 to 2 on
> (x,y,z). The result was a Image (uniform> > Rectilinear Grid)> >> > When I
> look at the data information it shows the data range as 2573, 13612> >
> (min,max) - what is going on here?> >> > Thanks> >> > Lester> >
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Dominik Szczerba, Ph.D.
Computational Physics Group
Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society

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