[Paraview] Utility to Generate Plugin Skeleton Project and Code

Mike Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Mon Oct 6 17:56:31 EDT 2008

Since the first version was a complete kludge I spent some more time  
with this little project and basically rewrote it. The program now  
uses template files for the source code instead of having all the ugly  
code-creating-code thing. This also makes it easier to customize the  
end code for your purposes without having to recompile.

Again, the download location is the same:

> http://echo1.bluequartz.net/CreateParaViewPlugin.tgz

Mike Jackson

On Oct 1, 2008, at 9:26 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

> Since I have had some interest in the code I posted it to the  
> following location:
> http://echo1.bluequartz.net/CreateParaViewPlugin.tgz
> note that it uses the boost::program_options library and Qt4. I  
> figured since you are going to generate a plugin for ParaView you  
> probably have Qt4 installed anyways. The boost part, well, if  
> someone wants to rip that out and use something else lighter weight  
> or has another suggestion then let me know.
> Eventually I'll put a Qt Gui on it to make it a bit more friendly. I  
> was also hoping to create an Eclipse Project Template for ParaView  
> plugins for those of us using Eclipse-CDT.
> Mike
>>> I put together a quick command line app that takes a number of  
>>> inputs and then generates a project directory with CMakeLists.txt  
>>> file and associated source and xml files that build into a  
>>> ParaView 3 plugin. If any one is interested in the code I can post  
>>> it somewhere. I wanted to slap a Qt Gui on it at some point but  
>>> ran out of time.
>>> Maybe a nice utility to include with ParaView. The goal is to make  
>>> creating plugins even easier.
>>> _________________________________________________
>>> | Mike Jackson - Principal Software Engineer      |
>>> | BlueQuartz Software                             |
>>> | mike.jackson at bluequartz.net                     |
>>> | www.bluequartz.net                              |
>>> ---------------------------------------------------

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