[Paraview] pvserver --use-offscreen-rendering

Renato N. Elias rnelias at nacad.ufrj.br
Wed Oct 1 09:11:51 EDT 2008

Here in our lab we have ParaView compiled with offscreen rendering in 3 
Altix systems (350, 450 and ICE). The offscreen rendering, in our case, 
is not so fast but works fine most of the times (there's some adjusts to 
be made as you must have seen in the wiki's page).


Robert Mueller wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 30. September 2008 17:09:44 schrieben Sie:
>> Have you taken a look at this ParaView Wiki page?
>>   http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/Setting_up_a_ParaView_Server
> Yes, quite often ;-) And I think I understood it. 
> On which exact platform did you manage to compile a working "offscreen" 
> pvserver?
> regards
> rm
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