[Paraview] Got programmable filter to work outside PV GUI - but still not programmable source

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri Nov 21 14:41:13 EST 2008

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Louis at M-Tech wrote:
> Hi
> I got programmable filter to work outside the paraview GUI - but still 
> not the programmable source; See the example below – if you want to try 
> out the programmable source, just set ptr = pgsrc instead of ptr = pgflt 
> – see below.
> I am still puzzled why the programmable source does not work. It works 
> within the paraview GUI – but not outside. To see how it works within 
> the paraview GUI do the following:
> Open paraview
> Create a programmable source
> Copy the script part below into the GUI editor
> Click apply
> .
> Regards,
> Louis
> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
> from paraview import servermanager
> connection = servermanager.Connect()
> #
> pgsrc = servermanager.sources.ProgrammableSource()
> pgflt = servermanager.filters.ProgrammableFilter()
> #
> #ptr = pgsrc
> ptr = pgflt
> #
> ptr.GetProperty("Script").SetElement(0, """
> import vtk
> pts=vtk.vtkPoints()
> pts.Initialize()
> pts.InsertNextPoint(0,0,0)
> pts.InsertNextPoint(1,0,.0)
> pts.InsertNextPoint(2,1,0)
> pts.InsertNextPoint(3,3,0.)
> cel=vtk.vtkCellArray()
> cel.Initialize()
> cel.InsertNextCell(4) # number of points
> cel.InsertCellPoint(0)
> cel.InsertCellPoint(1)
> cel.InsertCellPoint(2)
> cel.InsertCellPoint(3)
> output = self.GetOutput()
> output.SetPoints(pts)
> output.SetStrips(cel)
> """)
> pgflt.Input = pgsrc
> view = servermanager.CreateRenderView()
> rep = servermanager.CreateRepresentation(ptr,view)
> view.StillRender()
> view.ResetCamera()
> view.StillRender()
> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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