[Paraview] How to use Paraview to visualize large volume data in real-time on shared-memory supercomputer?

Biao She shebiao at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 19:07:50 EST 2008


I am kind of new to Paraview. Hope this question isn't a stupid one.
I can access to a shared-memory SGI Altix 4700 supercomputer. It has 6 GPUs
and 64 cpus. I have successfully installed the latest version of
paraview(3.4.0) on it.
To my understanding, if I ssh to the supercomputer and type the following
command, I can use one GPU to do the rendering job in the server end:
DISPLAY=:0.0 mpirun -np 1 ./pvserver
The problem comes if I want to use multiple GPUs to render a large data, say
Image data from CT(about 1G) in real-time. How can I do it? Do I need to
manually assgin other GPUs(:0.1, for instance) to cpus? On cluster, I know
it's not a problem coz each cpu has its own gpu.

I also have tried to use multiple CPUs at the server end, for example:
DISPLAY=:0.0 mpirun -np 4 ./pvserver
However, the rendering results aren't correct in this case. No matter what
data I opened, the rendering results were always some garbages(lots of dots
with different color).  The garbages appeared roughly where the data should
be. I have no idea about the reason for this. My client end is a windows
machine and the server is a linux supercomputer. Could that be a problem or
I simply can't use one GPU for multiple CPUs?

I have tried to get paraview work on the supercomputer for a very long time,
and I got really frustrated. Any of your help would be highly appreciated!

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