[Paraview] question on using python programmable source

Sreejith Kuttanikkad sreejithpk at gmail.com
Thu May 29 16:08:07 EDT 2008

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 9:43 PM, Jean Favre <jfavre at cscs.ch> wrote:

> May I suggest the use of the python glob module.
> I have just tried it inside a programmable source and it works fine.
> Glob will look for all filenames following a pattern. You might also
> want to sort them alphabetically after you have created the array
> here is an example
> import glob
> files = glob.glob("file*.dat")  # creates the array you wanted
> files.sort()                         # sorts them
> i = 0
> while i < len(files):
>     print files[i]
>     i = i +

Thank you Robert and Jean.
Jean's idea indeed solved the file handling problem.
But now i found that the script is able to show only one curve at  a time,
i.e the last one in the file*.dat,  eventhough it reads all the files.
How do I solve the issue.? or is it that for each file I have to have
different programmable filter.
Here is the script I used.. It would be great if some one can help me in
this regard.
thanks in advance.

import string, sys, math,glob
pdo = self.GetPolyDataOutput()
for filename in FILES:
   #This will store the points for the lines
   newPts = paraview.vtkPoints()
   for line in file:
      #read x,y,z values
      x = float( line.split()[0] )
      y = float( line.split()[1] )
      if(len(line.split())==3): # in 3D
         z = float( line.split()[2] )
         z=0.0 # in 2D

      newPts.InsertPoint(point, x,y,z)

   aPolyLine = paraview.vtkPolyLine()
   for i in range(0,point):
        aPolyLine.GetPointIds().SetId(i, i)
        pdo.Allocate(1, 1)
        pdo.InsertNextCell(aPolyLine.GetCellType(), aPolyLine.GetPointIds())
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