[Paraview] question on using python programmable source

Robert Maynard robertjmaynard at gmail.com
Thu May 29 13:53:48 EDT 2008

You should look into the python os module

Something like this might work:

import os
FILE = "file.dat"

(filePath,fileName) = os.path.split(FILE)
(name,ext) = os.path.splitext(fileName)

allFiles = os.listdir(filePath)

for otherFile in allFiles:
    (otherName, otherExt) = os.split.splitext(otherFile)
    if (otherExt == ext):
       #load other file

Sreejith Kuttanikkad wrote:
> Dear,
> I have number of  files with each file contains  many points (x,y,z 
> coordinates) of a line/curve. I use python programmable source to 
> visualize those lines  (like the example given to generates a Helix 
> curve in the paraview Wiki.)
> I use file=fopen("file1",'r') and extract the coordinates of each 
> point from the file  and visualize that line.. and it is working great.
> now the problem is,  i have so many files (many lines) and i want to 
> see all the lines at once.
> so i could use like
> FILES=["file1.dat","file2.dat", ..... ]
> for filename in FILES:
>    file=open(filename,'r')
> but i would like to know more elegant way than writing each filenames 
> in an array (difficult in the case when i have say 100 files)
> any tips and tricks..?
> thank you
> Sreejith
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