[Paraview] Plot over time splitting on IDs

Eric E. Monson emonson at cs.duke.edu
Tue May 27 14:59:47 EDT 2008

Hey All,

I have a collection of vertices that represent biological cells in a  
simulation, read into ParaView (cvs, OS X) as an unstructured grid.  
Because the number of cells in the sim changes over time, I have to  
use a global ID to keep track of cell identities for plotting, etc.  
Since the Xdmf and XML VTK formats do not assign real Global IDs, I  
set this using the Python Programmable Filter  

If I want to plot some scalar over time I select a point, then shift  
the Selection Type to Global IDs in the Selection Inspector, then  
Create Selection. I do the Copy Active Selection in Plot (Extract)  
Selection Over Time and the Copied Selection pane displays the proper  
Global ID.

The problem is that the Plot Selection over time splits the time  
series for that Global ID every time the scalar ID (or whatever you  
call the regular ID or Index) for that vertex changes value. This  
results in a bunch of blocks listed under Root in the Select Block  
pane of the Extract Selection Over Time "Display" tab, all of them  
labeled with the same Global ID (screen cap attached). Checking the  
box next to any one of them displays the short time series in the  
plot, during which the scalar "ID" was constant.

So, for some reason the filter seems to be splitting the data into  
"Blocks" based on scalar ID even when the selection is made based on  
Global ID, and the data for that Global ID exists for the complete  
time series.

This seems like a bug to me, but please let me know if I'm just  
misinterpreting something.


Eric E Monson
Duke Visualization Technology Group

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