[Paraview] using pvbatch without X server

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Tue May 27 14:36:57 EDT 2008

Hi Marzio,

I am doing exactly what you want but had to switch to the CVS version. Kitware has fixed the problems in that version.

With it you will see warnings about it being unable to find an X server but it will still work. I ran pvbatch in parallel to generate over 2,000 frames for a movie, saving the images as PNG files.

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

Marzio Sala wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using ParaView, latest stable release 3.2.1, compiled on suse 64 
> bits. I wrote a python script with pvbatch to produce some images, and 
> all works fine with the X server. (And the python interface is really 
> nice and easy to use!)
> Then, I compiled ParaView using MESA, since I'd like to use pvbatch 
> without the X server. Unfortunately, pvbatch crashes while saving the 
> image as JPEG. 
> There was something on the mailing 
> list: http://www.paraview.org/pipermail/paraview/2008-April/007590.html, 
> but it is not clear to me what to expect: is the bug fixed, or I am 
> doing something wrong? Is it possible to use pvbatch with MESA and 
> without an X server? 
> Thanks for your help,
> -Marzio

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