[Paraview] Why Paraview runs much faster on Windows than on Linux?

Weiguang Guan guanw at rhpcs.mcmaster.ca
Thu May 22 14:21:24 EDT 2008

Hi Paraview users,

I've just bought a new computer and made it a dual-boot (Windows XP Pro 
and Linux 2.6) machine. Then, I donwloaded and installed Paraview 3.2.1 on 
both platforms. To my surprise, Paraview runs at greatly different speeds 
when rendering a unstructured dataset --- about 1.5 s/frame on Windows vs 
10 s/frame on Linux. I am sure in the test I used (1) the same version of 
paraview; (2) same dataset (3) same setting (Edit->Setting), ......

I can see that vtkOpenGLProjectedTetrahedraMapper is used.


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