[Paraview] [CMake] paraview CVS xcodebuild

Mike Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Fri May 9 08:32:32 EDT 2008

I am going to cross post to paraview and Cmake because I am not sure  
which one is the better place.

System: OS X 10.4.11, Core Duo (original) 2 GB Ram, Xcode 2.5.  
ParaView CVS, CMake 2.6.0 Release.

I had to use CMake 2.6 to generate the project files as CMake 2.4.8  
would not generate them for some reason. Xcode took a little bit to  
open the project file (1 minute maybe) but then started compiling.  
Then I went to bed...

  When I checked in the morning there were 2 compile errors on the  
vtknetcdf library compilation.

In function 'strerror':
29: error:  conflicting type qualifiers for 'sys_nerr'
/usr/include/stdio.h:273: error: previous declaration of 'sys_nerr'  
was here
30: error: conflicting types for 'sys_errlist'
/usr/include/stdio.h:274: error: previous declaration of  
'sys_errlist' was here

I think this probably has more to do with how the cmake files are  
written because this works with "makefiles".

So, for me, I would say that an Xcode build 'may' work, but I am  
getting errors so I just don't know. But at least it hasn't errored  
out and crashed.

Mike Jackson   Senior Research Engineer
Innovative Management & Technology Services

On May 9, 2008, at 7:56 AM, Robert Maynard wrote:

> Sorry about this formatting, but I just got around to making a  
> cmake mailing list account. I wanted to report that I am unable to  
> get paraview to compile
> with xcodebuild version 2.5 with a OSX 10.4 and 2Gb of ram.
> The general problem is a massive allocation of memory at start  
> (1.8Gb) than increasing usage as it tries to compile projects, and  
> then it fails.
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