[Paraview] Extents in PVTI Files

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Thu May 8 17:27:22 EDT 2008

I'd like to use a pvti file to read many vti files but the attached example fails with messages like this:

Process id: 9 >> ERROR: In /usr/local/packages/paraview/Edge/ParaView3/VTK/IO/vtkXMLPStructuredDataReader.cxx, line 452
vtkXMLPImageDataReader (0x1a41c8f0): No available piece provides data for the following extents:
    127 191  63 127  0 63
The UpdateExtent cannot be filled.

Each of the vti files can be displayed just fine and have these parameters:
  origin 0 0 0
  spacing 1 1 1
  extent 0 127 0 127 0 127

In the pvti file I'm a little confused about the definition of extent and cannot find the answer in the VTK file format guide. The key lines in my file are these:

   <Piece Extent="000 127 000 127 000 127" Source="test0.vti"/>
   <Piece Extent="128 255 000 127 000 127" Source="test1.vti"/>

I've seen examples where the two files overlap by one point so that the above two lines would read

   <Piece Extent="000 127 000 127 000 127" Source="test0.vti"/>
   <Piece Extent="127 255 000 127 000 127" Source="test1.vti"/>

Is that an unstated requirement for pvti? I'm using ParaView from CVS around 5/6. This problem occurs when running standalone or with a server running in parallel on a Linux cluster.

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
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