[Paraview] [CMake] paraview CVS xcodebuild

Mike Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Wed May 7 23:31:23 EDT 2008

Just thinking out loud...
   Is there any idea _why_ xcode will not build paraview? Are the  
project files not being generated correctly? Not enough ram to  
effectively build it? Maybe the code-sense is chewing up all the ram?
    The makefile version of ParaView does work so is it possible to  
have cmake generate an "Xcode makefile" Project. One where the Xcode  
project actually just references the makefile which is a valid  
project type in Xcode?
    Have we come upon a limitation in project size for Xcode? Any one  
posted to the Xcode-users mailing list to get any ideas from those  

Again. just thinking out loud.
Mike Jackson   Senior Research Engineer
Innovative Management & Technology Services

On May 7, 2008, at 10:15 PM, Bill Hoffman wrote:

> jonathan grimm wrote:
>> paraview CVS xcodebuild is no longer working.  On a Mac Pro 16GB  
>> ram with 10.5.  I checked and xcodebuild is a 32 bit executable.  
>> Makefiles work on the same machine.
>> Is there anything that can be done about this?  The .xcodeproj is  
>> only 14 MB.
> I don't think there is anything that can be done.  I don't think it  
> ever worked.  Xcode has an amazing ability to use memory.  I  
> originally developed the Xcode generator for ITK, but ITK was never  
> able to build with it.  I think I calculated that if you took ever  
> source file and loaded it into memory X 10, you would get the  
> memory size required by Xcode.
> -Bill
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