[Paraview] Multiblock Volume Visualization

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Wed May 7 18:01:30 EDT 2008

I thought about this a bit more because it deserves a better answer
than "it's a missing feature".

* First, if the blocks form a large image without any overlaps, it is
possible to use pvti/vti or a custom reader to load them as a single
block image data in parallel. It would then be possible to volume
render it.

* Second, a collection of images can be loaded as a 1-level AMR
dataset. We have been working on volume rendering of AMR. Currently,
it is not very high priority but we will get there.

* Third, it should be possible to volume render an arbitrary
multi-block of non-overlapping image data. We will eventually get
there but probably not very soon.


On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 1:05 PM, Kent Eschenberg <eschenbe at psc.edu> wrote:
> The CVS version as of May 6 won't apply volume visualization to a uniform
> rectangular grid when the grid is part of a multiblock dataset. Is that a
> bug?
>  Kent
>  Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
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