[Paraview] 2D plot

Samuele Dietler samuele_82 at hotmail.com
Tue May 6 02:56:25 EDT 2008

Hello Berk,
I want to plot a 2D graph of the current in function of the time. For dinamic i means that i would have an animation for this graph, that's at each time sample we add the new intensity....(at time 0 we show only the itensity of I(t=0), then at time 1 we show intensity I(t=0) and I(t=1), at time 2 we show intensity I(t=0), I(t=1) and I(t=2) etc...). I have a vector for time that goes from 0.0 to 0.0034 and and for each point of time i have a scalar that correspond to the intensity of current :
%time                   %Intensity
0.0                       0.0                      2.0E-4                   0.3767431                4.0E-4                   0.7519994                6.0E-4                   1.1242878                8.0E-4                   1.4921393                0.0010                   1.854102                 0.0012                   2.2087474                0.0014                   2.5546758                0.0016                   2.890522                 0.0018                   3.2149608                0.0020                   3.5267115                0.0022                   3.824544                 0.0024                   4.1072826                0.0026                   4.3738117                0.0028                   4.6230793                0.0030                   4.854102                 0.0032                   5.0659676                0.0034                   5.25784                  
It's possible to draw a 2D graph as i have explain before???
Just another question, there is a filter for extracting only one element(thetrahedron) from a mesh?? And what about your question, it's possibile to draw the intensity of only one elements??
Thank you a lot, best
> Date: Mon, 5 May 2008 16:35:16 -0400> From: berk.geveci at kitware.com> To: samuele_82 at hotmail.com> Subject: Re: [Paraview] 2D plot> CC: paraview at paraview.org> > So you want to plot the flow of current of 1 element over time?> > -berk> > On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Samuele Dietler <samuele_82 at hotmail.com> wrote:> >> > Hello, i have a problem with a 2D graph. I have a mesh with 3273 points and> > 12773 elements. In this elements there is a flow of current in funtion of> > time. I would like to plot a dynamic curve of the current in function of> > time with a 2D graph(i have 18 time, 0.0, 0.002, 0.004...and an intensity> > for each time sample). For dynamic i means that every time sample i add the> > corresponding amplitude(for time time 0 i plot only I0, then for time t1 i> > add to graph I1 etc....)> > Have everyone an idea how to plot this kind of graph??> >> > Thank you a lot for the help> >> > Samuele> >> > ________________________________> > Live Search Maps Vorresti un pub diverso dal solito? Cercalo con Live Search> > Maps!> > _______________________________________________> > ParaView mailing list> > ParaView at paraview.org> > http://www.paraview.org/mailman/listinfo/paraview> >> >
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