[Paraview] 2D plot

Samuele Dietler samuele_82 at hotmail.com
Mon May 5 11:14:36 EDT 2008

Hello, i have a problem with a 2D graph. I have a mesh with 3273 points and 12773 elements. In this elements there is a flow of current in funtion of time. I would like to plot a dynamic curve of the current in function of time with a 2D graph(i have 18 time, 0.0, 0.002, 0.004...and an intensity for each time sample).  For dynamic i means that every time sample i add the corresponding amplitude(for time time 0 i plot only I0, then for time t1 i add to graph I1 etc....)
Have everyone an idea how to plot this kind of graph??
Thank you a lot for the help
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