[Paraview] camera values range

Davide Detomi davide.detomi at epfl.ch
Fri Jun 20 09:43:39 EDT 2008

Hi, I'm a novice of paraview so I beg your pardon if I submit an already 
discussed problem. I had many problems playing with the camera because 
it seems the min-max range of the possible values spans the interval 
[-10000 ,+10000]. This limits sound strange to me, I wondered why it 
hasn't been set a much higher value. For example, in my case, I had a 
model in mm, thus it was easy to reach the upper and lower bound, 
causing a crazy behavior of the final view. Two questions about this:

1) Has anybody already faced such a problem?
2) Is it possible to somehow alter these bounds?

Another non-related issue:

3) If I load a huge mesh (around 8 millions of elements) Paraview 
suddenly crashes because a failed memory allocation. Would it be 
possible in the future to have a smoother failure, maybe through a popup 
warning that the memory limits have been reached? This would be 
extremely helpful both for a cleaner behavior and to avoid a waste of 
time because of a not yet saved state.

Thanks in advance



Davide Detomi, Post-Doc Assistant

Institute of Mathematics
Chair of Modelling and Scientific Computing
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Address: EPFL, IACS-CMCS, CH-1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)

Tel. Work: +41 21 69 32909
Fax:       +41 21 69 34303
E-mail:    davide.detomi at epfl.ch
Office:    MA C2 567

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