[Paraview] Using the accept button from a pqObjectPanel

Paul Edwards paul.m.edwards at gmail.com
Thu Jun 12 15:43:51 EDT 2008

Calling apply on itself doesn't work until apply is first pressed by
the "proper" button (and I don't think it works with undo either).
The reader/filter I have written is an interface for meshing software
and the panel on the side is too small for all the options so I have
created a separate dialog (that pops up from a push button).  The
dialog has 3 buttons; ok, apply and cancel.  I could just let the user
press the usual "Accept" but I like the option of having the buttons
in the dialog so the user doesn't need to switch windows.


2008/6/12 Utkarsh Ayachit <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com>:
> This is generally not recommended. An object panel cannot cause an "Apply"
> or a "Reset" since the user could have un-applied changes to other panels as
> well.
> If absolutely needed, to push changes made in the panel alone, that can call
> "apply()" on itself. The apply button's modified state should update
> correctly depending on whether any other panels are modified (I think).
> What is your use-case? Why does the panel need to cause an Apply?
> Utkarsh
> Paul Edwards wrote:
>> My pqObjectPanel has a dialog which provides an editor for my filter.
>> I would like to apply or reset changes from my dialog (or
>> pqObjectPanel) but (I think) this requires a call to
>> "pqObjectInspectorWidget::accept" or "pqObjectInspectorWidget::reset".
>>  I cannot work out how to get a pointer to pqObjectInspector from my
>> pqObjectPanel.
>> Can any help (or suggest another way)?
>> Thanks,
>> Paul
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