[Paraview] Can Use Volume Vis with Cell Data?
Kent Eschenberg
eschenbe at psc.edu
Wed Jun 11 17:54:52 EDT 2008
Any suggestions would be welcome.
Kent Eschenberg wrote:
> The CVS version from May allows the representation to be changed to
> volume for a vti file with only float cell data.
> But then it shows the message "Cannot volume render since no point (or
> cell) data available." which is incorrect.
This morning I updated my version from CVS but the problem persists. The messages comes from this section of code in pqPipelineRepresentation::onRepresentationChanged:
// Representation is Volume, is color array set?
QList<QString> colorFields = this->getColorFields();
if (colorFields.size() == 0)
qCritical() <<
"Cannot volume render since no point (or cell) data available.";
What are these "color fields"? Why are they missing when using cell data? Why does the message say there is no data when its actually the "color fields" that are missing?
The variable "Dummy" can be used to color the surface of both attachments, cubePointInt32.vti and cubeCellInt32.vti. Switching to volume visualization works for the first (point data) but produces the above error for the second (cell data).
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
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